Pain is broken down into two categories – acute pain and chronic pain.

Acute pain occurs at a certain place, and you can tell where exactly the pain is. The pain can be sharp and clearly defined. If the tissue is damaged, then there can be swelling.

On the other hand, chronic pain is more like nonspecific backache. Chronic pain comes and goes and cannot be associated with specific events. People suffering from chronic pain often reduce their movement due to the fear that the movement can stimulate pain. You can feel inflammation with chronic pain, and there can be no physical signs of particular tissue damage.

When it comes to the treatment of chronic pain, pain-free movement can be a way to promote healing and break the pain cycle. The human body is designed in a way that it supports the demands. When you use a muscle, it develops. But, if you stop using it, then, over time, your body stops supporting that muscle, and due to the lack of support from the body, you suffer from muscle atrophy. For example, when you go to bed rest for a few days due to severe back pain, you feel worse when you leave the bed. Your shoulders, neck, and hips also start paining. So, movement is necessary for the human body for fast recovery and avoiding pains in other parts of the body.

Here are some top benefits of movement for pain management.

  • Proper movement reduces the pain volume.
  • It is an assurance for you that a little pain with movement is safe.
  • It stimulates the healing process.
  • Movement regulates your sleep patterns.
  • It reduces stress and improves your mental health.
  • It keeps you active and strong.
  • Movement improves your immunity power.
  • It helps in weight management.
  • It is good for your overall well-being.
  • It helps manage chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes.
  • It keeps your brain healthy and active as you age.

Though you have learnt so many benefits of movement for pain management, you will hesitate to move with pain because you fear it may increase the pain and make life hell for you. Here comes Active Rehab Physiotherapy. Meet a physiotherapist and they will make a personalized treatment plan based on your condition that will also include movement for pain management.