Cold laser therapy is a low-intensity treatment that stimulates healing. Also known as low-level laser therapy (LLLT), cold laser therapy is used to treat various health problems, such as muscle strains, neck pain, ligament sprains, etc. Unlike a hot laser that can cause damage to the skin by burning it, the LLLT laser does not damage the skin. Hotter lasers are used not only for surgery, but for other applications as well. These lasers have the ability to penetrate deep than others.

Do you have any idea why cold laser therapy is called “cold?” This therapy uses a low level of light that do not heat the tissues of a human body.

Being painless and noninvasive, this (cold laser) therapy is a safe procedure when performed by a professional and qualified health practitioner. Even though the procedure doesn’t take long, you may need multiple treatments to achieve the results you are looking for.

What Types of Knee Pain Does Cold Laser Therapy Help?

Do you have a knee injury from a disease, or caused by trauma? No matter the reason, you may reap benefit from the laser therapy. A combination of physical therapy and low-level laser therapy helps eliminate bone on bone knee pain.

Cold laser therapy minimizes not only the irritation, but also inflammation of arthritis. The physical therapy, on the other hand, fortifies the adjoining ligaments and muscles, so the joint pressure can be minimized.

When cold laser therapy is applied on an injured knee joint, it can heal much quicker. That’s because healing mechanisms of the body are stimulated, due to which there’s an increase in the circulation. There are other different types of pain that can be treated with LLLT, including:

  • Fibromyalgia
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Bursitis

Who’s considered a Good Candidate for this Highly Effective Therapy?

Cold laser therapy can be used for treating pain that’s caused by an injury, like osteoarthritis in the knee. However, this therapy is not for everyone. For instance, if you have skin lesions, make sure you confirm them as noncancerous before you opt for LLLT. It is important to note that this treatment should not be considered for over the thyroid gland. It should even be avoided during pregnancy, because it has not been known or confirmed yet if this therapy has an effect on a developing fetus.

What are the Benefits of Cold Laser Therapy for Knee Pain?

Listed below are some of the most significant benefits of considering cold laser therapy (LLLT) for knee pain.

  • No complications of any kind when accurately performed
  • The session does not take a long time
  • Does not require over the counter medication or a prescription
  • A noninvasive technique to reduce pain

If you have pain in your knee caused due to injury or disease, make an appointment with Nordel Physiotherapy & Sports Clinic and find out if they can help you eliminate knee pain.